
Residency 17 - Giulia Bean


Residency 17
Villa Manin, Spazio Residenze
15 - 30 June 2019
Cabe, a VHS Elegy

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Residency open to the public
Sunday 30 June 2019, h 8:00 pm
Villa Manin di Passariano, Spazio Residenze

free entry, booking: t.+39 0432 504765, residenzevillamanin@cssudine.it

Residency Team
Giulia Bean, choreographer, performer
Chiara Braidotti, dramaturge
Vittoria Guarracino, movement consultant

“The original idea for this project was inspired by something I had discovered in my family home.
Ten years after my father’s death I rediscovered his archive of videotapes: 349 numbered VHS tapes recorded in LP from television broadcasts.
The reasons for the recordings remain unknown, and this is one of the questions that remains unanswered in this project. The only thing we know for certain is the time frame of this collection, which began at the end of the 1980s and ended at the beginning of the new millennium.

As I was watching the videotapes, I discovered that my father was not the only one attempting to capture the present to save it from an uncertain future.
His archive resembles Andy Warhol’s Time Capsules for a number of reasons.
Over the last 13 years of his life, the artist catalogued and preserved a variety of objects in boxes -between 608 and 610 boxes, containing more or less 300,000 objects.

Reopening this archive nourished my inner quest for choreographic research.
And this is where Cabe -Carlo Bean, my father- comes into play.
A parallel universe has been created to stage this process, a fourth dimension beyond the fourth wall in which movement and the valley of videotapes coexist. Cabe is born into a world covered in plastic and magnetic tape. A timeless creature that lives within memory, Cabe will accompany us along this final journey: an elegy for a being that is still alive.”
Giulia Bean

CSS Teatro stabile di innovazione del FVG
T. +39 0432 504765 info@cssudine.it
