Residency 9 - Martina Badiluzzi
Residency 9
Villa Manin, Spazio Residenze
My being sporty is a tragedy - Stretching Elfride Jelinek
Residency open to the public
Monday 17 December 2018, h 8.00 pm
Villa Manin di Passariano, Spazio Residenze
free entry, booking advised: t.+39 0432 504765,
Residency Team
performer Martina Badiluzzi, Andrea Pizzalis, Francesco Villano, Gioia Salvatori; dramaturgy Giorgia Buttarazzi; art direction Ambra Onofri; music Samuele Cestola; photo/visuals Annamaria La Mastra
Martina Badiluzzi is a young Friulian artist who lives and works in Rome. In recent years she has devoted herself to the study of performing languages, looking for a possible dialogue between writing, the performer and the scene; and between these and the audience.
In 2018 she undertook a new project entitled My being Sporty is a Tragedy. This artistic and theatrical research was based on the work of Elfriede Jelinek, the Austrian Nobel Prize winner for Literature. This research will now be at the heart of her residency at Villa Manin, preceded by a short workshop open to young local artists.
“A writer who overturns the conventions of writing that we are accustomed to turns her attention to sport. She writes of a game that has become competitive, of a game that insists on a winner and that in order to have one must also have a referee, its own laws and an audience. It is the gaze of the audience that enables its existence, and it is here that sport and theatre come into contact. There are sporting heroes with whitened teeth and tattoos, their faces on the cover of fashionable magazines. There are actors and a chorus, a unified voice exhorting wellness and the running machine, from buttocks, to six-packs, to jogging. Fascist propaganda for a healthy body, which has shifted the concept of health to the concept of training. Achilles and Hector find new trials stepping onto the artificial grass of a sports field and away from the playground. We find Electra wandering outside the boundaries wherein men fight, discuss and decide; a woman excluded from the court, from games and from power, and we also see The mother, mythical figures that carry with them the dramas of certain contemporary events, most likely crimes”.
– Martina Badiluzzi
CSS Teatro stabile di innovazione del FVG
T. +39 0432 504765