
Residency 31


Villa Manin, Residency Space
3 – 12 April 2024
17 – 21 June 2024
WUNDERTRUPPE (Italia, Canada)

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Residency Team
Natalie Norma Fella author, creator and performer
Giulia Tollis, dramaturg
Marie Hélène Massy Emond sound artist
Milena Buziak, director and artistic director/general manager of Voyageurs Immobiles Cie de Création

Residency open to the public
21 June 2024 at 18:00
Villa Manin, Residency Space
free admission with reservation recommended at residenzevillamanin@cssudine.it

is an international project in which theatre, performance, audio production, relational art and exploration of public spaces converge. Wundertruppe collaborates with the Canadian company Voyageurs Immobiles and sound artist Marie-Hélène Massy Emond.
The novel The Waves by Virginia Woolf accompanies the creative journey of the collective: in the book, the voices of a group of friends retrace the time of an existence, from childhood to their last breath. A loss, sudden and painful, crosses everyone's existences. This unexpected tear opens up a reflection on the narratives devoted to friendship, an area in which it is complex to deal with the theme of loss, disappearance, and the changes of course that alienate and sometimes break the relationship. Friendship is in fact a bond that is built with people who have been chosen and to whom one devotes energy and care out of desire, for free and without obligation (one hopes).
Onde sees the involvement of communities with the intention of developing a dialogue between the project and the people it encounters in the course of the residencies and in the countries it passes through Italy, France and Canada. This dialogue is also based on the possibility of organising meeting situations around the project. Two days of relational art workshops on the theme of friendship will be held during the residency period at Dialoghi.
The participants will be a group of people over 65 who are part of city organisations and associations such as the Coro Popolare della Resistenza, the ANPI of Udine and the Salotto d'Argento.
Another element of the research is the elaboration of a sound environment in which the rhythm of the waves, the sound of water and what it can make emerge or submerge, dialogues with the interviews, original materials and some short passages from the novel.

Wundertruppe is an artistic collective whose works bring theatre, sound, relational art and exploration of public space into dialogue.
Founded in 2016 by Natalie Norma Fella and co-directed since 2019 by Giulia Tollis. The collective collaborates with artists from different disciplines and internationally. Piazza della Solitudine and Piante Pioniere are the collective's two latest works.
Natalie Norma Fella Actress, author and podcaster. She founded the international collective Wundertruppe in 2016. She has lived and worked in Canada in theatre and radio. She has collaborated with various national organisations as actress and director, and is author and/or voice of audio productions for publishing houses, radio stations and third sector organisations such as Bottega Errante Edizioni, RSI - Radio Svizzera italiana and Internazionale.
Giulia Tollis Dramaturg and teacher of playwriting at the Civica Scuola Paolo Grassi in Milan. She works as a dramaturg with Teatro dei Gordi, is part of the Friulian team of MateâriuM - laboratory of new dramaturgies, curates the artistic projects of the Guinea Pigs Performing Art Laboratory and collaborates with the Ateatro association. In 2019, she joined Wundertruppe.
Marie-Hélène Massy Emond, a singer-songwriter from Abitibi (Quebec),who through a post-colonial feminist approach deals with music, soundscape, writing and performing arts. She develops her sound and performance works through extended performance techniques and field recordings. She is involved in several theatre projects as a sound designer and musician.
Voyageurs Immobiles Cie de Création, founded in 2019 in Gatineau, by Polish-born director Milena Buziak, brings together female artists from different cultures around contemporary projects and transgresses the boundaries between countries and artistic disciplines to provoke encounters, question the present and generate dialogue.

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