
Residency 32
Tommaso Tuzzoli


Villa Manin, Residency Space
7 – 14 April 2024
13 – 19 May 2024
"Silence, nothing but silence" journey through the pages of Georg Büchner's works

Residency Team
Federico Bellini, dramaturg
Tommaso Tuzzoli, director
Pier Paolo Bisleri, set designer
Tony Laudadio, Federica Sandrini e Edoardo Sorgente, actors

Residency open to the public
17 May 2024 at 18:00
Villa Manin, Residency Space
free admission with reservation recommended at residenzevillamanin@cssudine.it

"A period of residence, of immersion, between the pages of an author, a revolutionary, a doctor, a poet, between those folds of his pages, where the thought of the young Georg Büchner is enclosed, we will immerse ourselves to try to listen and grasp the development of the themes that led to his last text, Woyzeck.
Translation, adaptation, modulation of stage space and musical research will be the objectives we will address during this period. In addition to traversing the main works and short stories, we will analyse the letters and scientific essays trying to look at "our" Woyzeck, on the one hand keeping in mind its origin as a "recreated" text and child of real events, and on the other hand following its internal movement that originates in the aporia between art and life implemented by Büchner himself. 
We will work on composing and breaking down the scenes in order to follow the various paths of meaning, always keeping in focus the various modifications and drafts that led to the scenes we know today and that each version combines in its own way. At the same time we will try to investigate the life and historical context of the author in an attempt to grasp those structural and thematic aspects that work after work define his prophetic poetics. In the search for the discontinuity between reality and representation, between life and image, between spectators and characters, and by immersing ourselves in his words that refer to continuous questioning, we will drown our work".
Tommaso Tuzzoli and Federico Bellini

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