
Residency 37
Francesca Osso / Simona Senzacqua / Sandra Toffolatti


Villa Manin, Residency Space
20 June – 4 July 2024
Mrs Dalloway
Research residency around Virginia Woolf's novel Mrs Dalloway and literary references

Residency open to the public
4 July 2024 at 18:30
Villa Manin, Residency Space
free admission with reservation recommended at residenzevillamanin@cssudine.it

Residency Team 
Francesca Osso, Simona Senzacqua e Sandra Toffolatti, actresses
Paola Fresa, dramaturg
Rita Maffei, tutor

Mrs Clarissa Dalloway, a rich middle-aged lady, goes to Bond Street to buy flowers for her party. Her thoughts, inner monologue, stream of consciousness, moments being are the novel and the connection with Septimus Smith, a World War I veteran who commits suicide at the end of the novel, is very strong.
Virginia and Clarissa are so close, in their attraction to women, to pure unselfish love, but above all in their sensitivity and torment, which will lead Virginia to fill her pockets with stones and enter the River Ouse.
The original title of Mrs Dalloway was The Hours, borrowed by Michael Cunningham for his novel in which the three women protagonists, living in different places and times, are, however, closely linked: Clarissa Vaughan, a New York intellectual called Mrs Dalloway, Laura Brown a housewife in 1950s America who, thanks to Virginia Woolf's books, will have the courage to take her own life into her own hands, and Virginia Woolf herself, in the last moments before her suicide.
The research will revolve around these intertwined stories, around the lives of women that echo one another, around the possibility of finding a red thread of sensations, thoughts, emotions in the details and changes of mind and thought of the feminine.

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