Ecole des Maîtres 2024

Anne-Cécile Vandalem directs Ecole des Maîtres 2024
International Touring Theatre Master class
XXXII edition: 24 August – 28 September 2024

workshop: Hauntings, rituals, legacies and transmissions

trainees: Luca D’Arrigo, Jonathan Lazzini, Francesca Osso, Davide Pascarella (Italy); Claudia Bruno, Egon Di Mateo, Victoria Lewuillon, Anna Solomin-Ohanian (Belgium); Olga Abolina, Louis Atlan, Teddy Chawa, Camille Plocki (France); Ana de Oliveira e Silva, Mariana do Ó, Roxana Ionesco, Pedro Nunes (Portugal)

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project partners and art direction

CSS Teatro stabile di innovazione del Friuli Venezia Giulia, Piccolo Teatro di Milano - Teatro d’Europa (Italy), CREPA - Centre de Recherche et d’Expérimentation en Pédagogie Artistique, Théâtre de Liège - Centre européen de création théâtrale et chorégraphique (CFWB/Belgium), Teatro Nacional D. Maria II, TAGV - Teatro Académico de Gil Vicente (Portugal), Le Quai Centre Dramatique National Angers Pays de la Loire, Comédie, Centre dramatique national de Reims (France)

with the support of MiC Ministero della Cultura - Direzione Generale Spettacolo, Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia - Direzione centrale cultura e sport, Fondazione Friuli (Italy)
with the participation of
 ERPAC - Ente Regionale Patrimonio Culturale Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy), Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles, Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles - Service général de la Création artistique, Wallonie-Bruxelles International, La Loterie Nationale (CFWB/Belgium), Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication (France), Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal)

The Ecole des Maîtres is an advanced theatre training project conceived by Franco Quadri in 1990.
The training objective of the Ecole des Maîtres is to initiate a relationship between young actresses and actors, trained at drama academies and theatre schools in Europe and already working as professionals, and renowned directors of the international scene, in order to give life to a work experience strongly aimed at comparing and exchanging skills on staging methods and practices, starting from different texts, languages and artistic languages, during itinerant ateliers.

The Belgian actress, author and director Anne-Cécile Vandalem has been invited to lead the XXXII edition of the Ecole des Maîtres.
The title of her workshop is Hauntings, rituals, legacies and transmissions.

"The theme of haunting will be at the centre of our work: what are the buried narratives, the ghost-stories that our dominant narratives prevent us from hearing? As our present cracks, the great stories that supported us yesterday are now revealing their obsolescence. From these faults, undeniable today, minor, unheard, invisible stories re-emerge to haunt us.

How have these stories managed to survive the silence, to become precarious yet vivid lights that now haunt our memories, our dreams and send us back to the tremors of our humanity? How can we listen to them, put ourselves at their service, make ourselves available to their continuation? What are the devices to be worked out so that these revivals can be performed? Under what conditions can we learn from them?
At the beginning of contemporary stories, whether real or fictional, and of their reconstitution, we try to understand the conditions of recovery and reinterpretation of events so that new, less polarised versions of them may arise from their reactivation, capable of opening the way to to a middle ground, a troubled zone in which other forms of coexistence might prove possible."
Anne-Cécile Vandalem


Course Calendar
24/08 – 31/08 Belgium, Brusses              
01/09 – 10/09 Italy, Udine
11/09 – 14/09 Italy, Milan
15/09 – 19/09 Portugal, Coimbra
20/09 – 24/09 France, Angers
25/09 – 28/09 France, Reims

Open Lesson
31/08 Belgium, Brusses
Public Presentations

10/09 Italy, Udine
14/09 Italy, Milan
18/09 Portugal, Coimbra
24/09 France, Angers
28/09 Francie, Reims

Applications for admission to the Ecole des Maîtres selections must be received via the online form by 30 April 2024.

Conditions and requirements to participate in the selections for the XXXII edition of the Ecole des Maîtres
age between twenty-four and thirty-five;
diploma from a dramatic art school of national importance or equivalent professional experience;
at least two years' professional stage activity in addition to the work carried out at school;
not having participated in previous editions of the Ecole des Maîtres.

Requirements for participants in the selections:
Three actors and one author will be selected. Although everyone will be expected to work in their own language, knowledge of English is strongly desired for communication in the group.

Each applicant must apply using the online application form at the following link:
Following the relevant directions and instructions, each applicant must submit a dossier including:
application form complete with a declaration of commitment, in case of admission, to attend the course for its entire duration without interruption;
detailed professional curriculum vitae;
a letter of motivation in written form;
one close-up photo and one full-length photo in high definition and jpeg format;
personal details and a copy of an identity document.     
Author candidates are requested to send a representative text of their production of a maximum of 5 pages.

Applications, together with attachments, must be submitted via the online form by 30 April 2024.
A confirmation e-mail from the system will certify the official receipt of the application.
The application will therefore be considered sent only if this confirmation has been received. 

The pre-selection of candidates will be carried out on the basis of the documentation submitted; the Italian selection committee will invite some candidates for an audition to be held on 29 May in Milan.

For the audition, candidate actors are required to bring a monologue of a maximum duration of 10 minutes. 
The cost of any transfers and accommodation at the pre-selection site will be borne by the candidate herself/ himself. 
The 4 Italian candidates selected will be guaranteed free attendance of the course, hospitality (board and lodging in a double room) in the course venues and travel costs between the various work locations.

Sonia Brigandì
Ecole des Maîtres secretariat

CSS Teatro stabile di innovazione del FVG
tel +39 0432 504765
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday h 9-13
Thursday, Friday h 9-13/14-18
