Cervignano | Teatro Pasolini
March 14, 2004 ore  21:00

Danton’s Death

Alexander Popovski directs a truly international production of Buchner’s masterpiece Danton’s Death: an exploration of liberty, fraternity and equality, the universal values of the French Revolution.

Georg Büchner, Italian translation by Alessandro Berti
directed by
Aleksandar Popovski
Cristian Maria Giammarini, Roberto Latini, Alessandro Riceci, Fabrizia Sacchi, Lorenza Sorino, Filippo Timi, and with Franz Cantalupo, Guido Feruglio, Alan Malusà, Luca Carboni/Stefano Piu and Chiara Tomarelli
set & lighting design
lighting by Alberto Bevilaqua and Aleksandar Popovski
sets and costumes by Angelina Atlagic and Susy Urbani (assistant)
Kiril Dzajkovski
additional details
assistant Viviana Staffuzza
lighting provider Chiara Martinelli
sets built in the CSS workshop by Toni Ceschia, Massimo Teruzzi and Vito Tomasino
co-produced by CSS Teatro stabile di innovazione del FVG and Theorem with funding and support from the European Union Culture 2000 Programme - Paris, Intercult – Stockholm, The Goethe Institute – Milan, and the Fondazione CRUP - Udine

Ours is a time in which the words liberty, fraternity and equality have become infused with foreboding and in which the bounds of their meaning has become transient, constantly shifting as they are bent to accommodate increasingly diverse interpretations. Putting his trust in the intuition and modernity of Georg Büchner’s great work, Aleksandar Popovski, the young Macedonian theatre director leading this truly international production, re-explores these concepts and the meanings of the words which are part of the precious legacy of the French revolution and the foundation upon which all western democracies are built. The cast re-unites some of Italy’s best young actors, bringing them together to portray all the inherent contradictions embodied in these words and raise pressing questions concerning events currently unfolding in the world today: who are those acting in the name of liberty? Who is pointing the trigger and who is being shot at? How can it be that an idea as magnificent as equality has become the most violent in the world? Is it really true that we are all born different?



1-2 August 2003
Orestiadi di Gibellina - 21st edition

10 March 2004
Chiasso, Teatro Comunale
12-13 March 2004
Udine, Teatro Nuovo Giovanni da Udine
14 March 2004
Cervignano del Friuli (UD), Teatro Pasolini
17 March 2004
Pavia, Teatro Fraschini
21-22 March 2004
Campobasso, Teatro Savoia
26 March 2004
Casalmaggiore (CR), Teatro Comunale
27 March 2004
Parma, Teatro al Parco
from 30 March to 4 April 2004
Neaples, Nuovo Teatro Nuovo
7-8 April 2004
Prato, Teatro Il Fabbricane
12 November 2004, h 20
Festival Paradise Regained
Utrecht (Holland), Staddshouburg
13 November 2004, h 20.15
Festival Paradise Regained
Amsterdam (Holland), Staddshouburg
14 November 2004, h 21
Festival Paradise Regained
Hertogenbosh (Holland), Verkade Theatre
from 31 May to 5 June 2005
Rome, Teatro Quirino