Udine | Teatro S. Giorgio
3-6 dicembre ore 20.00 / 20.30 / 21.00 / 21.30 / 22.00 / 22.30
Pinter’s Anatomy
Claustrophobic space_violence_ambiguity_domain_time discontinuity: obscure past/lying present. Pinterian tools to scan the game that erase the untouchable edges of relationships.
CREDITStechnical direction Danilo Quattrociocchi
director assistant Liliana Laera
Claustrophobic space_violence_ambiguity_domain_time discontinuity: obscure past/lying present. Pinterian tools to scan the game that erase the untouchable edges of relationships. Memory is a refuge, the Alliance Ark, an operating table to sew up the subjective truth, where lies are normal. Human topographies, parked next to a checkpoint, analyzed under an inhospitable neon lights that show the contemporary weakness. Our devious nature is a frozen crust where we skate in loop and we don’t care that time melts beneath our feet every kind of compactness. Every kind of difference. The semiotic manipulation process of passions is not completed. The dissected death bodies of what we were come to light again. NOTICE: looking for a nylon lawn, even a second hand one, for an homologative definitive burial.
Press reviews
...new generations of theatre companies are facing the 2005 Nobel Prize Pinter; amazing art works are coming out from the ones that are not so closed to hierarchy and ‘respect’ but that are able to find in his plays inedited visions and unused ‘ghosts’. That’s for example ricci/forte. Gianfranco Capitta, Il Manifesto
...ricci/forte words are Pinter’s daughters, amplified through the energy of the bodies. Maria Grazia Gregori, Delteatro.it
...the four actors of pinter’s anatomy are extraordinary for their power and passion: that‘s an exposition, a total revealing. Andrea Porcheddu, Delteatro.it
...supported by short effective monologues or dazzling dialogues (typical of the best Pinter), the sequences of pinter’s anatomy represent portions of real life, especially the emotional one, thanks to the terrific acting of the four interpreters...
Mario Brandolin, Messaggero Veneto
...a burning play that seduces, confuses and gets you totally involve. Alberto Rochira, Il Piccolo
ricci / forte
Formed at Silvio D'Amico's Accademia Nazionale D'Arte Drammatica/Rome and at New York University, they studied writing with Edward Albee. They won drama awards such as: Premio Studio 12, Oddone Cappellino, Vallecorsi, Fondi-La Pastora and Hystrio. They represented Eliseo Theatre/Rome at the first edition of ExtraCandoni Festival. troia's discount was shown in 2006. The first stage of the project wunderkammer soap #1_#2 was launched at the Festival Quartieri dell'Arte 06. They were invited by the French Embassy for "Face à Face" with Olivier Py. In June 07, mare in catene was produced by Biennale Danza/Venezia, in partnership with La Scala/Milano. They are part of the Osservatorio Critico for Scenario Award. They presented metamorpHotel and the second stage of the wunderkammer soap #3_#4_#5 at the International Festival Castel dei Mondi 07. The debut of 100% furioso took place at Castel dei Mondi Festival 08. During the season 08/09 ploutos (directed by Massimo Popolizio and produced by Teatro di Roma) was awarded with the Critics Prize as best drama at Biennale Teatro/Venezia. In October 2009 abbastarduna (directed by David Bobée) was presented at Théatre des Bernardines/Marseille. macadamia nut brittle debuted at Garofano Verde 09. As a coproduction with CSS/Udine, they presented pinter's anatomy, December 09. Elisabetta Pozzi, Maria Paiato and Massimo Popolizio were, among others, interpreters of their scripts. With ETI and Italian Cultural Institute in Paris they presented the Italian Drama at Rouen (Scène Nazionale Petit- Quevilly/Mont Saint-Aignan), Marseille (Festival Actoral), Nantes (Le Lieu Unique), Paris (La Mènagerie de Verre). They also took part in several Festivals in Romania (Underground Theatre/Arad), England (Lingering Whispers/London) and Germany (Glow/Berlin).
Press reviews
Mario Brandolin, ricci/forte, anatomia del presente - Messaggero Veneto, 28 novembre 2017 [904 Kb]Roberto Canziani, Ditta ricci/forte senza data di scadenza - Il Piccolo, 19 novembre 2017 [657 Kb]Andrea Conti, Le ambiguità di Pinter's Anatomy - TGcom.mediaset.it, 1 dicembre 2009 [43 Kb]Alberto Rochira, Prigionieri della Pinter's Anatomy - Il Piccolo, 5 dicembre 2009 [358 Kb]Mario Brandolin, Violenza, desiderio e amore nell'universo di Pinter - Messaggero Veneto, 5 dicembre 2009 [662 Kb]Renzo Francabandera, Ricci/Forte 100 % furiosi - Krapp's Last Post www.klpteatro.it, 5 dicembre 2009 [29 Kb] [904 Kb]Maria Grazia Gregori, Le 'cose viventi' di Harold Pinter - delTeatro.it, 9 dicembre 2009 [25 Kb]Camilla Toso, Dove osano Ricci e Forte - Il Tamburo di Kattrin, 11 dicembre 2009 [48 Kb]Andrea Porcheddu, Pinter's Anatomy - delTeatro.it, 11 dicembre 2009 [20 Kb]Gianfranco Capitta, Anatomia del maestro con crudeli assaggi - Il Manifesto, 13 dicembre 2009 [188 Kb]Tour
3 to 6 December 2009, at 20.00 / 20.30 / 21.00 / 21.30 / 22.00 / 22.30 p.m.
Udine, Teatro S. Giorgio
26 to 27 February 2010
Festival primavera dei diritti
Bari, Teatro Kursaal - Santa Lucia, Roof Garden
24 May 2010, 18 - 23 p.m.
3èmes Rencontres d'Euròpe et Cies
Lyon (France), Théâtre des asphodèles
8, 9, 10, 11 September 2010
Short Theatre 5
Roma, La Pelanda
18, 19, 20 April 2011
Milano, Teatro Elfo Puccini
20, 21, 22 giugno 2012, h 18-19-20-21-22
Festival delle Colline Torinesi
Torino, Cavallerizza Reale
20-24 November 2017, h 18-19.15-20.30-21.45
Teatro Contatto 36
Udine, Teatro S. Giorgio