There is no fresher water
by Giuseppe Battiston, songs and original live music Piero Sidoti, dramaturgy Renata M. Molinari, direction and scenery Alfonso Santagata
CREDITSdramaturgy Renata M. Molinari
The first time I read Pasolini’s poems in the Friulian language I was a boy, a student. I found them difficult and put them aside.
Then over the years - as so often happens with things one puts aside or leaves on the bedside table – I returned to them, in part because, as a boy, unaware and perhaps immature, I had been unable to understand those verses. Those verses spoke to me of the places I knew, the places of my childhood. Those words were my words; those sounds, those of my father; that language, the one spoken at table. They recounted that land of "primroses and storms", of village festivals and country fairs, of the wind, of bike races at breakneck speed, of the changing seasons in the work of the farmers, of colours, sounds and scents. They spoke of the war that was, of what followed, and of what came next; they spoke of me, of us, and of that water:
Water fountain of my village
There is no water fresher than that of my village
Fountain of rustic love
And, thanks to all this poetry, be it written or sung, or simply dreamed, I was a child once more; I saw those places afresh, saw them with new eyes and, as I crossed those streets and squares once more, I too joined in the village fair; I sang and danced, and raised my glass to life. And now, what I want to do is convey those words which I felt were so much mine and to which, in some way or another I belong. Perhaps not all will be understood, yet I am convinced that the dialect, indeed any dialect, thanks to its musicality, becomes evocative. Indeed, Pasolini argued that when dialect is used to express lofty concepts and noble feelings, it becomes language, and, with its sounds, enters the soul and transports us elsewhere.
Giuseppe Battiston
Programma di sala_design_Gianfranco_Casula [596 Kb]Locandina_design_Gianfranco_Casula [213 Kb]Press reviews
Nadia Pastorcich, Giuseppe Battiston 'Il Friuli rivive a Trieste' - Il Piccolo, 16 febbraio 2017 [1692 Kb]Stefano Petrella, La poesia di Pasolini nella voce di Battiston - La Repubblica-Roma, 20 febbraio 2017 [2002 Kb]Il mondo poetico del giovane Pasolini con Battiston, Il Corriere della Sera-Milano, 19 aprile 2016 [345 Kb]Sara Chiappori, 'Ho ritrovato i suoni dell'infanzia grazie a Pasolini' - La Repubblica-Milano, 19 aprile 2016 [336 Kb]Ariana Marmiroli, Pasolini e Ammaniti la letteratura a teatro - La Stampa-Milano, 19 aprile 2016 [310 Kb]Antonio Bozzo, Il viaggio di Battiston nel Friuli di Pasolini - Il Giornale-Milano, 19 aprile 2016 [372 Kb]Gianfranco Capitta, Le infinite umanità di Pier Paolo Pasolini - il manifesto, 14 novembre 2015 [613 Kb]Successo di Battiston - La Vita Cattolica, 12 novembre 2015 [403 Kb]Fabiana Dallavalle, Battiston, Sidoti e le poesie di Pier Paolo Pasolini - Messaggeri Veneto, 7 novembre 2015 [432 Kb]Angela Felice, Struggente elegia della gioventù - Il Gazzettino, 3 novembre 2015 [381 Kb]Mario Brandolin, Con Battiston e Sidoti rivive la meglio gioventù di Versuta - Messaggero Veneto, 2 novembre 2015 [903 Kb]Alberto Rochira, Battiston recita l'infanzia di Pasolini - Il Piccolo, 25 ottobre 2015 [355 Kb]Mario Brandolin, Battiston, sul palco inseguo l'anima della sua Academiuta - Messaggero Veneto, 25 ottobre 2015 [573 Kb]Alessia Pilotto, Battiston e Sidoti, omaggio alla produzione friulana - Il Gazzettino, 25 ottobre 2015 [308 Kb]Mario Brandolin, Giuseppe Battiston: 'La mia emozione per Pasolini: unico, disperato, straordinario' - Messaggero Veneto, 24 giugno 2015 [1471 Kb]Tour
premiere1-12 November 2015
Teatro Contatto / Viva Pasolini!
Udine, Teatro Palamostre
13 November 2015 h 21
Cervignano (UD), Teatro Pasolini
14 April 2016 h 20.30
Potenza, Teatro Don Bosco
15 April 2016 h 20.30
Matera, Teatro Duni
17 April 2016
Teatri di Confine_Livorno 2016
Livorno, Teatro Goldoni, La Goldonetta
19-23 April 2016
Milan, Teatro Franco Parenti, Sala Grande
26 April 2016, h 21
Bassano del Grappa, Teatro Remondini
28 April 2016 h 21
Scandiano (RE), Teatro Boiardo
17-18 February 2017 h 20.30
Trieste, Teatro Bobbio
21 February 2017 h 20.45
Monfalcone (GO), Teatro Comunale
22 February 2017 h 20.45
Codroipo (UD), Teatro Benois De Cecco
23 February 2017 h 20.45
Casarsa della Delizia (PN), Teatro Pasolini
24 February 2017
Verona, Teatro Camploy
25 February 2017
Colugna (UD), Teatro Luigi Bon
27 February 2017 h 21
Bologna, Teatro Duse
1 March 2017 h 21
San Stino di Livenza (VE), Cinema Teatro Romano Pascutto
2 March 2017
Padua, Teatro MPX
4-5 March 2017
Lecce, Cantieri Teatrali Koreja