From the masterpiece novel by the Portuguese Nobel Laureate in Literature, José Saramago, a visionary modern day parable adapted for the theatre by Gigi Dall'Aglio
CREDITSitalian translation by Rita Desti
lighting design Alberto Bevilacqua
A mysterious infectious disease which robs all those affected of their sight, begins to spread across society, soon becoming an epidemic. Segregated and confined to an old abandoned mental asylum guarded by armed soldiers, the sick experience a merciless descent into a living hell, where dignity, respect and human pity are overshadowed and finally replaced by the violence of primal needs and insticts, of the strong and their abuse of power. However, the solidarity and love of a few unites and holds a small group of survivors together and later these few find their sight restored and return to live in the world with ‘new eyes’.
Press reviews
Leonetta Bentivoglio, Josè Saramago l'incubo che accieca - La Repubblica, 30 marzo 2004 [1972 Kb]"Primevisioni", a Udine vanno in scena i teatri - Il Manifesto, 21 marzo 2004 [647 Kb]Masolino d'Amico, Ciechi,una visione di Saramago - La Stampa, 14 marzo 2004 [1258 Kb]Francesca Benazzi, La teoria e la pratica - Gazzetta di Parma, 18 marzo 2004 [1813 Kb]Ugo Volli, Vita violentata per i ciechi di Saramago - La Repubblica, 5 aprile 2004 [936 Kb]Tour
9-14 March 200416-17 March 2004
Udine, Teatro San Giorgio
20-21 March 2004
23-28 March 2004
30-31 March 2004,
1-4 April 2004
6-7 Aprile 2004
Parma, Teatro Due
5-10 October 2004
12-17 October 2004
Rome, Teatro India
8-13 February 2005
15-20 February 2005
Turin, Cavallerizza Reale
25-27 February 2005
Pisa, Teatro Verdi
1-6 March 2005
Reggio Emilia, Teatro Cavallerizza
9 March 2005
Gubbio, Teatro Comunale