Garage 77
"And what if, 20 years later that opportunity should present itself? A chance to reform that rock band of your youth? Wouldn’t that be great? But no, times have changed, those days are gone. You turn around and, damn it!, you find you’re almost 50... But we aren’t old, no, we’re the same cool dudes we always were. So then, all you need is just one chance… so go for it!!"
CREDITSGarage 77 are a group of young rock fans who, united by their passion for music, meet to play in the cellar of a house in their village in the late 70s. Their dreams are suddenly shattered however, when one of the band dies. The band splits, each going his own separate way, each becoming wrapped up in the daily preoccupations of work, family and making ends meet. Garage 77 becomes virtually a taboo, none of them ever speaking of it again: a mythical episode from the past which must now be forgotten. The years pass and in what seems no more than a flash their own children have grown up… And yet, perhaps the fragments of those dreams shattered back in ‘77 have survived the passage of time for some of the band, a glimmer of hope jealously hidden away in some far corner of their hearts. Who knows? Perhaps one day…a chance…
"And what if, 20 years later that opportunity should present itself? A chance to reform that rock band of your youth? Wouldn’t that be great? But no, times have changed, those days are gone. You turn around and, damn it!, you find you’re almost 50... But we aren’t old, no, we’re the same cool dudes we always were. So then, all you need is just one chance… so go for it!!"
premiere23-24 March 2005
Udine, Teatro S. Giorgio
9 April 2005, h 20.45
Camino al Tagliamento (UD), Teatro Comunale
23 April 2005, h 20.45
Reana del Rojale (UD), Auditorium Comunale della Scuola Media
30 May 2005, h 20.30
Gorizia, Kulturni Dom Gorica
30 June 2005, h 21
Pavia di Udine (UD), Parco festeggiamenti
2 July 2005, h 21
Pradamano (UD), Piazza Zardini
8 July 2005, h 21
Meduno (UD), Cortile Palazzo Colossis
15 July 2005, h 21
Trivignano Udinese (UD), Area Scuola Elementare
16 July 2005, h 21
Goricizza di Codroipo (UD), Corte Bazzan
22 July 2005, h 21.15
Marano Lagunare (UD), Piazza Frangipane
5 August 2005, h 21
Fagagna (UD), Castello di Villalta
9 August 2005, h 21
Rigolato (UD), Piazza M.O. A. Durigon
2 September 2005, h 21
Pozzuolo del Friuli (UD), Piazza del Municipio
24 September 2005, h 21
Gradisca di Sedegliano (UD), Sala Bergamas
30 September 2005, h 21
San Daniele (UD), Auditorium alla Fratta
1 October 2005, h 21
San Lorenzo Isontino (GO), Area festeggiamenti
9 dicembre 2005, h 20.45
Remanzacco (UD), Auditorium Comunale Giovanni De Cesare
10 December 2005, h 21
Rivignano (UD), Auditorium Comunale
11 December 2005, h 20.45
Cussignacco (UD), Sala Polifunzionale della V Circoscrizione
3 February 2006
Palmanova (UD), Teatro Gustavo Modena
18 February 2006
Lestizza (UD), Teatro Comunale
19 February 2006
San Vito al Tagliamento (UD), Auditorium Centro Civico
20 February 2006
Gemona (UD), Teatro Sociale
16 March 2006
Colugna di Tavagnacco (UD), Teatro Luigi Bon
1 April 2006
Coseano (UD), Auditorium La Galetiere
20 May 2006 , h 20.30
Castions di Strada (UD), Sala San Carlo
1 June 2006, ore 20.45
San Giovanni di Casarsa (PN), piazzetta Runcis
11 June 2006, h 20.30
Cividale del Friuli (UD), piazzetta Chiarottini in Borgo San Martino
3 July 2006, h 21
Valvasone (PN), ex Convento dei Frati Serviti
10 July 2006
Moruzzo (UD), Forte di Santa Margherita
15 September 2006, h 20.45
Valvasone (PN), piazza Duomo
18 December 2006, h 21
Latisana (UD), Teatro Comunale Odeon
2 March 2007, h 20.45
Zoppola (PN), Auditorium Comunale di Zoppola
16 November 2007, h 20.45
Tricesimo (UD), Teatro Luigi Garzoni
7 December 2007, h 21
Faedis (UD), Aula Magna delle Scuole di Faedis