Alessandro Sciarroni
CREDITSpianist Davide Finotti
soundscape Aurora Bauzà & Pere Jou
costumes Ettore Lombardi
Dream is a five-hour score for six performers, a pianist, and a piano: a close-up observation of the human being. Moving between music, dance, and theater, the interpreters bring to the stage a durational performance, an action without beginning or end, long enough to make one forget the very concept of time. The spectators are invited to visit the space for as long as they wish, as if they were inside a museum, to inhabit it alongside the performers, works of art in the flesh that reorganize their sensitive and tactile field according to the gaze of the viewer. Music performed live by the pianist, soundscapes composed by Aurora Bauza and Pere Jou, and lighting by Valeria Foti form the dramaturgical and aesthetic framework that generates and alters the performers’ state. The first intuitive spark of the project is a text, initially conceived by Alessandro Sciarroni as a script for a theatrical enactment. The piece slowly took the form of a short novel and today represents one of the ramifications of Dream.
Press reviews
Mario Bianchi, Dream di Alessandro Sciarroni. Alla Triennale di Milano la nuova durational performance fa sold out - klpteatro.it, 29 aprile 2023 [235 Kb]Piera Cristiani, La performance di Alessandro Sciarroni lunga 5 ore - Artribune, 22 aprile 2023 [610 Kb]Francesca Pedroni, Come in un sogno, lasciarsi andare a uno stato del corpo - il manifesto, 8 aprile 2023 [482 Kb]Leonardo Merlini, Dream, Alessandro Sciarroni nel tempo sospeso del possibile - La Bussola TV, 3 aprile 2023 [123 Kb]Tour
29-30 November, 3-4 December 2022
Paris, Festival d’Automne, Le Centquatre-Paris
1-2 April 2023
FOG Performing Arts Festival
Milan, La Triennale
20 May 2023 h 19:00 → 24:00
Teatro Contatto
Udine, Teatro S. Giorgio