Cervignano | Teatro Pasolini
20 aprile 2023 ore 21:00
21 aprile 2023 ore 19:00 e 21:00

Il dio del massacro

Yasmina Reza / Fabrizio Arcuri / Rita Maffei

Yasmina Reza
translation William Cisilino and Michele Calligaris
directed by
Fabrizio Arcuri and Rita Maffei
Fabiano Fantini, Rita Maffei, Massimo Somaglino, Aida Talliente
set & lighting design
set design and costumes Luigina Tusini
additional details
sarta Maryna Govardovska
tecnico Jvan Moda
CSS Teatro stabile di innovazione FVG and Mittelfest2022
with ARLeF - Agjenzie Regjonâl pe Lenghe Furlane

Maçalizi is the Friulian title of Yasmina Reza’s comedy Le Dieu du carnage (God of Carnage), from which Roman Polanski based his film Carnage. The play recounts the confrontation/clash between two families in a bourgeois environment. Two couples meet in an ordinary living room to settle a violent quarrel between their children. Soon, this peacemaking encounter turns into an explosive clash. The tension is conveyed through the evolution of words. At the beginning, Italian, as an abstract language of convention, masks the most authentic and profound feelings, that gradually emerge with Friulian, which thus ends up proving to be the language of truth. The living room is recreated, in the centre, in a glass case/cage: the audience sits around watching the scene, like scholars in an anatomical theatre.

Performed in Italian and Friulian language


Maçalizi je furlanski prevod komedije Le Dieu du Carnage (Bog pokola), na osnovi katere je Roman Polanski posnel film Carnage (Pokol). Komedija je pripoved o soočenju/spopadu dveh družin v meščanskem okolju. Para se srečata v navadni dnevni sobi, da bi rešila silovit prepir med njunima otrokoma. Mirovno srečanje pa se hitro sprevrže v silovit spopad. Napetost se odraža v razpletu pogovora. Italijanščina je na začetku še abstraktni jezik družbenih norm, najbolj pristna in najgloblja čustva pa se postopoma pojavljajo s furlanščino, ki se izkaže za jezik resnice. Dnevna soba je na središču prizorišča postavljena v stekleno vitrino/kletko: gledalci sedijo okoli prizorišča in kot učenci v anatomskem gledališču opazujejo dogajanje.

Predstava v furlanščini in italijanščini



29 and 30 July 2022, h 19.00 e 21.30
Mittelfest 2022
Cividale, Chiostro di San Francesco

14 April 2023, h 21.00
15 e 16 April 2023, h 19.00 and 21.00
Teatro Contatto
Udine, Teatro S. Giorgio
20-21 April 2023, h 19.00 and 21.00
Cervignano del Friuli, Teatro Pasolini
5-6 May 2023, h 21
7 May
 2023, h 17
Cormons, Teatro Comunale
16 - 17 December 2023, h 19 and 21
Artegna, Teatro Monsignor Lavaroni
7 January 2024, h 19 and 21
San Vito al Tagliamento, Auditorium Comunale Centro Civico
13 January 2024, h 19 and 21
Codroipo, Centro Culturale Ottagono, via Marinelli 6
19 - 20 January 2024, h 19 and 21
Tolmezzo, Teatro Comunale Luigi Candoni