Speed Up!
'Ccelera!, a seemingly crass and boorish eulogy to the motorcar, to speed and to adrenalin, is the story of a young man from the North East of Italy who, having grown up in the heyday of hero Gilles Villeneuve, becomes a racing driver himself; a man with petrol in his veins, now approaching the last bend.
CREDITSwinner of the Tuttoteatro.com “Dante Cappelletti” 2005 Award
with the support of the OPERAESTATE Festival, Veneto
The monologue is performed and written by the actor and dancer Maurizio Camilli of the balletto civile. 'Ccelera! is his first work as a playwright and has already won him acclaim with Tuttoteatro.com awarding him the Dante Cappelletti Prize in 2005 (Premio tuttoteatro.com alle arti sceniche "Dante Cappelletti").
In the heart of a deliberately unspecified area of North East Italy, a young factory worker dreams of becoming a racing car champion, an ace at the wheel. He lives and works in a grey world finding diversion in the illegal races he competes in as he trains to fulfil his dream. He invests his all in this patch of land where living in the fast lane has become a habit. Not only is this the region with the highest record of road accident victims, it has also produced and continues to produce many of the best racing drivers in Italy (the “Piave breed” as they once were called).
As the last bend stretches before him and he begins his advance towards the end, it seems as if time and space are suspended, as if he were moving in slow motion. And with every metre of the track another memory, another image resurfaces; fragments of dance, fragments of speech in constant succession, each causing the same existential doubt to re-emerge. Heart in mouth, at every inch of the track, he must face the dilemma: accelerate or not accelerate, live or die.
programma di sala 'Ccelera! [466 Kb]programma di sala 'Ccelera! (solo testo) [32 Kb]locandina 'Ccelera! [328 Kb]motivazione Premio Tuttoteatro.com alle arti sceniche "Dante Cappelletti" 2005 [10 Kb]Press reviews
Zoraide Cremonini, On stage - Vogue, giugno 2006 [441 Kb]Jacopo Bulgarini d'Elcl, Il nuovo teatro che piace - Il Giornale di Vicenza, 26 giugno 2006 [146 Kb]Pamela De Lucia, A Teatrinmovimento il trionfo della parola - Il Gazzettino, 27 giugno 2006 [111 Kb]Maria Grandori, Un monologo per Gilles Villeneuve - Sportweek, 8 luglio 2006 [319 Kb]Francesca De Magistris, Il requiem di Mozart e un dieci cilindri Ferrari per Villeneuve - Corriere di Romagna, 10 luglio 2006 [104 Kb]Zoraide Cremonini, monitor people - Glamour, agosto 2006 [262 Kb]Nereo Balanzin, Rally in teatro: 'Ccelera! - pag 1 - Sam sportautomoto Rally, settembre 2006 [883 Kb]Nereo Balanzin, Rally in teatro: 'Ccelera! - pag 2 - Sam sportautomoto Rally, settembre 2006 [798 Kb]Antonio Stefani, Nel mito di Villeneuve riscatta il grigio vivere - Il Giornale di Vicenza, 7 aprile 2007 [179 Kb]Federico Betta, 'Ccelera!, la cultura dell'altrove L'ambizione di una vita veloce - il Politico.it, 23 novembre 2008 [20 Kb]Giuseppe Distefano, Danza. Il mito della velocità nella danza di Maurizio Camilli - Il Sole 24 Ore.com, 20 novembre 2008 [78 Kb]Tour
previews24 June 2006, h 21.30
Teatrinmovimento 2006
Bassano del Grappa (VI), Castello degli Ezzelini
28 June 2006, h 19.30
Filo d’Arianna Festival
Belluno, Auditorium comunale
10 July 2006, h 19.30
Santarcangelo dei Teatri
Santarcangelo (RN), SuperCinema
23 August 2006, h 21
OPERAESTATE Festival Veneto
Bassano del Grappa (VI)
4 November 2006, h 21
Botticino (BS), Centro Lucia
8 December 2006, h 22.30
Scandicci (FI), Teatro Studio
26-27 January 2007, h 21
Teatro Contatto 06/07
Udine, Teatro S. Giorgio
14 February 2007, h 21
Mestre (VE), Teatro Toniolo
15 February 2007, h 21
Padova, Cinema Teatro Pio X
16 February 2007, h 21.15
Asolo (TV), Teatro Eleonora Duse
31 March 2007
Ritratti italiani
Trieste, Teatro Miela
5 April 2007, h 21
Fragole fuori stagione
Vicenza, Teatro Astra
17 April 2007, h 21
Chiasso, Cinema Teatro di Chiasso
17 July 2007, h 22
Festival Racconti al Parco
Roma, Tor Tre Teste - Largo Serafino Cervasco
3 August 2007, h 21.30
Festival FILI Filanda. Idee. Lavoro. Identità
Salzano (VE), Corte della Filanda Romanin - Jacur
22 January 2008
TIG Teatro per le nuove generazioni 07/08
Cervignano, Teatro Pasolini
23 January 2008
TIG Teatro per le nuove generazioni 07/08
Udine, Teatro Palamostre
25 January 2008, h 21
Occhiobello (RO), Teatro Comunale di Occhiobello
29 January 2008, h 21.15
Armunia Festival Costa degli Etruschi
Castiglioncello (LI), Castello Pasquini
7 Narch 2008, h 10 and h 21
Montebelluna (TV), Teatro Nuovo di Villa Correr Pisani
17 May 2008
Valdobbiadene (TV), Auditorium Niccolò Boccasino
13 - 16 November 2008
Grafie 2008
Rome, Teatro Furio Camillo
25 January 2009
Auronzo di Cadore (BL), Teatro Kursaal
3 April 2009
Feltre (BL), Auditorium dell'Istituto Canossiano