The Ghosts
Constanza Macras, one of the most remarkable figures in contemporary dance, presents The Ghosts, a work of total theatre. This piece creates a breath taking short-circuit between dance, theatre, live music and circus: one of the arts China is most strongly associated with in the global imagination. A realm of balance and acrobatics that challenge the very laws of gravity.
CREDITSlighting design Sergio de Carvalho Pessanha
sound Stephan Wöhrmann
video & Photodesign Manuel Osterholt
in co-production with Tanz im August, Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz / CSS Teatro stabile di innovazione del FVG / Guangdong Dance Festival
Teatro Contatto meets the Far East Film Festival. The theatre arts of the east comes face to face with the cinematographic arts of the east, for an international evening that brings to a close the season at CSS and opens with a preview this year’s voyage with FEFF 18. The star of the evening is the unforgettable choreography created by Constanza Macras, one of the most remarkable figures in contemporary dance. Here, she presents The Ghosts, a work of total theatre. This piece creates a breath taking short-circuit between dance, theatre, live music and circus: one of the arts China is most strongly associated with in the global imagination. A realm of balance and acrobatics that challenge the very laws of gravity.
Macras’ vision of China is unique and non-conventional. Her interest has been captured by the lives and artistic careers of a number of Chinese acrobats who are reaching the end of their working lives. These are people who, at the age of just 25, are already being left behind and quickly forgotten by Chinese society. Ghosts, indeed, and characters that remind us of figures from Chinese mythology, the “hungry ghosts”, lost souls that have been forgotten by their descendants, destined to a barren existence in a lost realm.
The Ghosts offers them a temporary return to life, once more making their stories and their art visible and thrilling.
Press reviews
Elisabetta Ceron, La Cina scopre i suoi fantasmi - Messaggero Veneto, 24 aprile 2016 [860 Kb]Roberto Canziani, Macras a Udine porta in scena corpi e vite degli acrobati cinesi - Il Piccolo, 20 aprile 2016 [375 Kb]Elisabetta Ceron, La danza della Cina circense coi suoi fantasmi romantici - Messaggero Veneto, 17 aprile 2016 [947 Kb]Sergio Trombetta, I destini degli acrobati cinesi nel nuovo spettacolo della coreografa Macras - La Stampa.it, 15 aprile 2016 [171 Kb]Roberto Incerti, Constanza Macras - la Repubblica, 15 aprile 2016 [324 Kb]Gli spiriti degli acrobati insoddisfatti - danza&danza, marzo 2016 [782 Kb]Mariafrancesca Gherardi, E sulla tangente orientale di Far East s'innesca il Contatto con la Macras - Messaggero Veneto, 17 marzo 2016 [504 Kb]Tour
3-8 Septmber 2015
Tanz im August 2015
Berlin, Hebbel am Ufer, Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz
11 November 2015
Guangdong Dance Festival
Guangzhou (China)
17-18 April 2016
Prato, Teatro Fabbricone
21 April 2016
Teatro Contatto 34 - Far East Film Festival preview
Udine, Teatro Nuovo Giovanni da Udine
10-11 march 2017
Dresden, Hellerau - European Center for the Arts