Eighteen seasons after the first performance of the Italian version, Umberto Orsini, Massimo Popolizio and Giuliana Lojodice bring back to life the three protagonists of Copenhagen, a fascinating historical-scientific drama by the British playwright Michael Frayn.
This new co-production, now touring across Italy, brings to the stage the formidable war of words between physicists Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg, fighting on opposing fronts on the eve of the devastating use of the atomic bomb.
translation by Filippo Ottoni, Maria Teresa Petruzzi
costumes Gabriele Mayer
lighting Giancarlo Salvatori
lighting Carlo Pediani (2017/18 tour)
Compagnia Umberto Orsini / Teatro di Roma – Teatro Nazionale
in co-produzione with CSS Teatro stabile di innovazione del FVG (2017)
world premier Udine, Teatro S. Giorgio, 9 November 1999
What kind of relationship should there be between political power and science? Can progress be governed by ethical choices? One of the most extraordinary theatrical pieces of recent years examines these crucial questions that have left their mark on the entire history of science. Copenhagen has become essential theatre regarding questions about science, and has been performed on stages around the world.
For the Italian version, three of the great Italian performers, Umberto Orsini, Massimo Popolizio and Giuliana Lojodice, find themselves at the centre of an unnerving trial behind closed doors, set in the dramatic framework of a tightly wound face-to-face encounter. Copenhagen is an ethical and scientific debate on three sides, full of distressing reflections and questions on the eve of the first devastating use of the atomic bomb.
The story is set in 1941 in the capital of Nazi occupied Denmark. It reconstructs the meeting between the two scientists, both Nobel Prize winners, who were once teacher and pupil. Two former research partners, now forced by the war to treat each other as enemies. The Danish and Jewish Niels Bohr and the German Werner Heisenberg (who first formulated the "Uncertainty Principle") find themselves trapped in a labyrinth of almost unanswerable questions, tangled in endless ambiguities and doubts about the relationship between power, science and morality.
2017_manifesto Copenaghen [545 Kb]1999_programma di sala Copenaghen [1244 Kb]Verso il cuore della tenebra - Microstoria della bomba [37 Kb]2009_programma di sala Copenaghen [1235 Kb]2009_manifesto Copenaghen [500 Kb]2009_locandina Copenaghen [1011 Kb]Press reviews
Camilla Tagliabue, L'arte atomica di 'Copenaghen' - il Fatto Quotidiano, 17 novembre 2017 [1444 Kb]Mario Brandolin, Tris d'assi per Copenaghen - Messaggero Veneto, 16 novembre 2017 [874 Kb]Simona Regina, Orsini in scena con gli interrogativi della scienza - Il Piccolo, 13 novembre 2017 [918 Kb]Mario Brandolin, Orsini, Lojodice e Popolizio: va in scena l'incubo nucleare - Messaggero Veneto, 13 novembre 2017 [1133 Kb]Rodolfo di Giammarco, Copenaghen - La Repubblica - Roma - 25 ottobre 2017 [898 Kb]Lorenzo Marchiori, Fisica come passione - Il Gazzettino 11 novembre 2017 [910 Kb]Franco Cordelli, Il punto di fissione fra calcolo e istinto- Corriere della Sera - Roma - 4 novembre 2017 [624 Kb]Anna Bandettini, 'Quell'istante prima dell'atomica che torna attuale' - La Repubblica, 21 ottobre 2017 [1014 Kb]Rita Cirio, Una bomba sulla coscienza - L'Espresso, 1 novembre 2001 [165 Kb]Roberto Barbolini, Come recita bene quel ciclotrone! - Panorama, 25 ottobre 2001 [180 Kb]Renato Palazzi, Orsini-Popolizio, fisica a teatro - Il Sole 24 ore, 14 ottobre 2001 [1274 Kb]Franco Cordelli, Bomba atomica a teatro. Un dramma imperdibile - Corriere della Sera, 11 ottobre, 2001 [381 Kb]Aggeo Savioli, Una bomba per due - L'Unità, 27 settembre 2001 [830 Kb]Rodolfo Di Giammarco, In scena con l'atomica, La Repubblica, 26 settembre 2001 [496 Kb]Gianfranco Capitta, Va in scena l'atomica, Amica 24 novembre 1999 [441 Kb]Ugo Volli, Fra scienza e umanità, il dramma dei fisici - Grazia, 16 novembre 1999 [807 Kb]Franco Quadri, Fantasmi da Nobel a Copenaghen - La Repubblica, 13 novembre 1999 [524 Kb]Roberto Canziani, Copenaghen, il giallo dell'atomica - Il Piccolo, 11 novembre 1999 [1076 Kb]Gianfranco Capitta, Lo spettro della bomba - Il Manifesto, 11 novembre 1999 [349 Kb]Rodolfo Di Giammarco, Su il sipario, c'è l'atomica - La Repubblica, 10 novembre 1999 [1267 Kb]Maurizio Porro, Orsini e Popolizio, in scena l'incubo della bomba atomica - Corriere della Sera, 8 novembre 1999 [244 Kb]Tour
tour 2018-20193 November 2018, h 21
Todi, Teatro Comunale
4 November 2018
Latina, Teatro Gabriele D'Annunzio
6-11 November 2018
Verona, Teatro Nuovo
13-14 November 2018, h 20.45
Vigevano, Teatro Cagnoni
15 November 2018
Lodi, Teatro alle Vigne
16-17 November 2018, h 21
18 November 2018, h 16
Bologna, Teatro Duse
20 November - 2 December 2018
Torino, Teatro Carignano
4, 7, 11, 14 December 2018, h 21
5, 8, 12, 15 December 2018, h 19
6, 9, 13, 16 December 2018, h 17
Rome, Teatro Argentina
18-19 December 2018, h 20.30
Trieste, Il Rossetti
20 December 2018, h 21
Portogruaro, Teatro Comunale Luigi Russolo
21 December 2018, h 20.45
San Vito al Tagliamento (PN), Auditorium Comunale
8-12 January 2019, h 20.45
13 January 2019, h 15.45
Florence, Teatro della Pergola
16 January 2019
Senigallia, Teatro la Fenice
17-19 January 2019, h 21
20 January 2019, h 16
Forlì, Teatro Diego Fabbri
23 January 2019, h 21
Sondrio, Teatro Sociale
24-26 January 2019, h 20.30
27 January 2019, h 16
Trento, Centro Servizi Culturali Santa Chiara
from 9 to 20 November 1999
Udine, Teatro S. Giorgio
from 25 September to 6 October 2001
Rome, Teatro India
from 9 to 28 October 2001
Milan, Teatro Grassi
from 15 to 20 October 2002
Cesena, Teatro Bonci
30 April 2003
Correggio (RE), Teatro Asioli
3-4 May 2003
Carrara (MS), Teatro Verdi
5-6 May 2003
Cattolica (RN), Teatro della Regina
from 7 to 11 May 2003
Prato, Teatro Metastasio
13 May 2003
Pavia, Teatro Fraschini
15-16 May 2003
Crema, Teatro S. Domenico
from 17 to 19 May 2003
Bellinzona (Switzerland), Teatro Sociale
from 21 to 25 May 2003
Modena, Teatro Storchi
from 27 to 31 May 2003
Turin, Teatro Carignano
1 June2003
from 3 to 8 June 2003
Turin, Teatro Carignano
from14 October to 2 November 2003
Rome, Teatro Eliseo
5-6 November 2003
Udine, Teatro Zanon
from 7 to 9 November 2003
Treviso, Teatro Eden
from 11 to 23 November 2003
Neaples, Teatro Mercadante
25-26 November 2003
Arezzo, Teatro Petrarca
from 27 to 30 November 2003
Ferrara, Teatro Comunale
from 2 to 7 December 2003
Brescia, Teatro Sociale
from 9 to 21 December 2003
Genoa, Teatro Duse
20-21 February 2009, h 21
Piacenza, Teatro Municipale
23-24 February 2009, h 21
Teatro Contatto 08-09
Udine, Teatro Palamostre
from 26 February to 1 March 2009, h 21
Lugo di Romagna (RA), Teatro Rossini
from 2 to 4 March 2009, h 21
Reggio Emilia, Teatro Ariosto
from 6 to 8 March 2009, h 21
Pistoia, Teatro Manzoni
10 March 2009, h 21
Modena, Teatro Storchi
from 11 to 14 March 2009, h 21
15 March 2009, h 15.30
Bologna, Arena del Sole, Sala Grande
from 17 to 21 March 2009, h 21
22 March 2009, h 15.30
Imola, Teatro dell'Osservanza
24-25 March 2009, h 21
Jesi, Teatro Pergolesi
27-28 March 2009, h 21
29 March 2009, h 15.30
Chieti, Teatro Maruccino
from 31 March to 4 April 2009, h 21
5 April 2009, h 15.30
Bergamo, Teatro Donizetti
7-8 April 2009, h 21
Pordenone, Teatro Verdi
from 14 to 18 April 2009, h 21
19 April 2009, h 15.30
Padua, Teatro Verdi
from 22 to 25 April 2009, h 21
26 April 2009, h 15.30
Palermo, Teatro Bellini
from 28 April to 2 May 2009, h 21
3 May 2009, h15.30
from 5 to 9 May 2009, h 21
10 May 2009, h 15.30
Catania, Teatro Ambasciatori
25 April 2010, h 21
Tivoli (RM), Teatro Giuseppetti
26 April 2010, h 21
Città della Pieve (PG), Teatro Comunale
27 April 2010, h 21
Pontedera (PI), Teatro Era
28-29 April 2010, h 21
Casalecchio di Reno (BO), Teatro Alfredo Testoni
30 April 2010, h 21
Thiene (VI), Teatro Comunale
5-6-7-8 May 2010, h 20.30
6 e 9 May 2010, h 16
Trieste, Politeama Rossetti
from 11 to 23 May 2010
12, 16, 19 and 23 May 2010, h 17
11 May, from 13 to 15 May, 18 May, from 20 to 22 May 2010, h 20.45
Rome, Teatro Eliseo
tour 2017-2018
19 October 2017
Narni (TR), Teatro Comunale G. Manini
21-22 October 2017
Novara, Teatro Coccia
24 October - 12 November 2017
Rome, Teatro Argentina
14 November 2017, h 21.00
Cervignano (UD), Teatro Pasolini
16 November 2017, h 17.00
17-18 November 2017, h 21.00
19 November 2017, h 18.00
Teatro Contatto 36
Udine, Teatro Zanon
21 November 2017
Legnago (VR), Teatro Salieri
22-26 November 2017
Mestre (VE), Teatro Toniolo
28 November 2017
Gorizia, Teatro Verdi
29 November 2017
Cittadella (PD), Teatro Sociale
30 November 2017
Schio (VI), Teatro Astra
1 December 2017
Mantova, Teatro Sociale
2 December 2017
Lendinara (RO), Teatro Ballarin
4 December 2017
Aosta, Teatro Splendor
6-7 December 2017
Perugia, Teatro Morlacchi
8 December 2017
Rieti, Teatro Vespasiano
9-11 December 2017
Viterbo, Teatro dell’Unione
12 December 2017
Castelfiorentino (FI), Teatro del Popolo
13 December 2017
Cascina (PI), Teatro Politeama
14-17 December 2017
Pesaro, Teatro Rossini
25 January 2018
Vignola (MO), Teatro E. Fabbri
26-27 January 2018
Cesena, Teatro Bonci
28-30 January 2018
Rimini, Teatro E. Novelli
1 February 2018
Ivrea (TO), Teatro Giacosa
2 February 2018
Biella, Teatro Sociale
3-4 February 2018
Lugano (Svizzera), Teatro Lac, sala Teatro
5-6 February 2018
Locarno (Switzerland), Teatro di Locarno
8-11 February 2018
Lugo (RA), Teatro Rossini
13 February 2018
Cremona, Teatro Ponchielli
14 February 2018
Alba (CN), Teatro Sociale
15-16 February 2018
Massa, Teatro Guglielmi
17-18 February 2018
Civitavecchia (Rome), Teatro Traiano
20-22 February 2018
Savona, Teatro Chiabrera
23-24 February 2018
Modena, Teatro Storchi
25 February 2018
Sulmona (AQ), Teatro Comunale
27-28 February 2018
Como, Teatro Sociale
1 March 2018
Tortona (AL), Teatro Civico
2-4 March 2018
Pavia, Teatro Fraschini
6-7 March 2018
Monfalcone (GO), Teatro Comunale
8-9 March 2018
Correggio (RE), Teatro Asioli
10-11 March 2018
Figline Val d’Arno (FI), Teatro Comunale Garibaldi
13-18 March 2018
Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat h 20.30, Thu h 19.30, Sun h 16
Genoa, Teatro Duse
19-20 March 2018
Bari, Teatro Petruzzelli
21-22 March 2018
Foggia, Teatro Giordano
23-25 March 2018
Barletta, Teatro Curci
27-28 March 2018
Teramo, Teatro Comunale
3-22 April 2018
Milan, Teatro Grassi
25 April - 6 May 2018
Neaples, Teatro Diana
8-9 May 2018
Chieti, Teatro Marrucino
18-19 December 2018, h 20.30
Trieste, Il Rossetti
21 December 2018, h 20.45
San Vito al Tagliamento (PN), Auditorium Comunale