• darkblurbg

Every Brilliant Thing
(Everything worth living for)

Filippo Nigro / Fabrizio Arcuri

Duncan Macmillan with Jonny Donahoe
translation Michele Panella
directed by
Fabrizio Arcuri / Filippo Nigro
Filippo Nigro
additional details
director assistant Antonietta Bello
stage props Elisabetta Ferrandino
a co-production CSS Teatro stabile di innovazione del FVG / Sardegna Teatro

Franco Enriquez National Award 2022 - 18th edition
"for a theatre, an art and a communication of social and civil commitment" - City of Sirolo (Ancona)
for direction to Fabrizio Arcuri and Filippo Nigro in the Contemporary Theatre category
Best actor Filippo Nigro in the Contemporary Theatre category

Length: 70 minutes

Every Brilliant Thing is a play by British writer Duncan Macmillan written in 2013 together with Jonny Donahoe (who was also its first performer). The play - a brilliant autobiography punctuated by a list of 'things worth living for' - was presented in its original version to great acclaim at the Edinburgh Festival and at the Barrow Street Theatre in New York and toured internationally between England, Australia and New Zealand.

In 2021 is staged in Italy, in Michele Panella's translation, with the four-handed direction of Fabrizio Arcuri and Filippo Nigro, who also acts in the play, for the co-production of CSS Teatro stabile di innovazione del FVG and Sardegna Teatro.
Filippo Nigro, one of the most interesting actors in Italian cinema and theatre, brings to the stage a tale of autofiction punctuated by "lists of things worth living for", in an attempt to provide his mother with an inventory of possibilities worth living for.
A list that grows longer with time, from childhood to adult life, until it enumerates a million valid reasons.

The list that emerges - and that the protagonist shares with the listener, in a confidential, engaging, intimate tone - is unpredictable, emotional and highly personal, made up of episodes and anecdotes captured on the fly by the protagonist in the margins of books, receipts and pub coasters.
Every Brilliant Thing gives life to a human and informal tale/confession of special moments, enlightenments, little quirks, encounters, emotions and unforgettable moments, during which he focuses more and more on his relationship with his father, his first love, the failure of his marriage, the search for help in times of difficulty.
In the end, the list, more than to his mother, will have been useful to himself at least to understand that '... if you live so long and you arrive at the end of your days without ever having felt totally crushed, at least once, by depression, well, then it means that you have not been very careful!
With the complicity of some of the spectators - who are called upon to make a small contribution to bring memories of the past to life - and through a writing style that is always tightly paced and amusing, Every Brilliant Thing succeeds in touching a delicate and complex subject such as depression with sensitivity and a non-superficial lightness.
In this personal version, Every Brilliant Thing becomes a participatory play that is first and foremost an experience for the audience.
Thanks to the response of the audience, the emotional temperature and the reactions created in the theatre each night, the performance is never the same, it can be different every night. In fact, Filippo Nigro rewrites the piece on stage together with the spectators who want to help him.
In this direction, Arcuri pursues his personal quest to construct collective imagery that always addresses reflections on life, on the society in which we live, and on the meaning of theatre.

Winner of the Franco Enriquez National Award 2022
The jury of the Franco Enriquez National Award 2022 - 18th edition "for a theatre, an art and a communication of social and civil commitment" - City of Sirolo (Ancona) awarded the
Franco Enriquez 2022 National Award - City of Sirolo 18th edition in the Contemporary Theatre Category Direction to Fabrizio Arcuri and Filippo Nigro and in the Contemporary Theatre Category Best Actor to Filippo Nigro
with the following motivation:
"Fabrizio Arcuri and Filippo Nigro have chosen to direct together and Nigro to masterfully interpret this text by Duncan Macmillan on the theme of depression, the dark evil that makes it impossible to cope with our lives. Through a long list of memorable moments to remember and a long list of notes taken here and there, on everything one finds at the moment, one can come to find the motivation to love and live life. Trying to be of help to those close to us who suffer from it, one ends up psychoanalysing oneself and with time this 'Life List' becomes more and more important, it punctuates the moments of a day and builds 'note upon note' the skeleton of a personality. Engaging and brilliant, the show's direction requires interaction with some of the spectators who, called upon to participate, impersonate some of the minor characters, becoming the destabilising and innovative element at each performance. The show opens an interesting exploration of the theme of depression, tackling it with lightness and irony.

Filippo Nigro is a claimed actor in film, television and theatre. He made his film debut in 1998. In 2001, he began his collaboration with Ferzan Özpetek, who wanted him in the cast of the film Le fate ignoranti and two years later in his next film, La finestra di fronte, for which the actor was nominated for a Nastro d’argento as Best Supporting Actor and won the Foreign Press Golden Globe as Best Actor.
After participating in two seasons of the TV miniseries La dottoressa Giò (1998), he returned to television in the Channel 5 series R.I.S. - Delitti imperfetti (2005-2007). In 2008, he starred in Un gioco da ragazze by debutant Matteo Rovere, in Amore che vieni amore che vai, based on the book Un destino ridicolo by Fabrizio De André. He was among the leads in the ensemble comedy Amore, bugie e calcetto by Luca Lucini, who the following year called on him to play Oggi sposi.
In 2009, with Diverso da chi?, a brilliant comedy by newcomer Umberto Carteni, he was nominated for a David di Donatello award as best supporting actor and won the Annecy Cinéma Italien male performance award for his role in the film. In 2010, he played the role of Danilo in Gianfrancesco Lazotti's film Dalla vita in poi, for which he won Best Actor at the Taormina Film Fest.
In 2011 and 2012 he was on stage with Martin McDonagh's play The Lonesome West, with which he won the E.T.I. Gli Olimpici del Teatro Award as best emerging actor.
In 2014 he was again on stage in Neil LaBute's play Reasons to be pretty, directed by Fabrizio Arcuri.
In 2012 he starred alongside Pierfrancesco Favino and Marco Giallini in the film ACAB - All Cops Are Bastards, based on the book of the same title by Carlo Bonini, directed by Stefano Sollima. In the same year, he was among the performers in E la chiamano estate, directed by Paolo Franchi.
In 2013, he played Pontius Pilate in the Italian-American miniseries Barabbas, opposite Billy Zane.
In 2015 he stars alongside Camilla Filippi in the thriller In fondo al bosco, and participates in Lucio Pellegrini's TV film Limbo.
In 2017 he joined the cast of Suburra - La serie, based on the film of the same title and produced by Netflix.
In 2019 he takes part in the cast of Ferzan Özpetek's La dea Fortuna.

Fabrizio Arcuri is the director and founder, in 1991, of Accademia degli Artefatti. In addition to his work as artistic director and director for the company, he has always flanked an intense cultural promotion activity, and has signed important curatorships, artistic directions, for festivals, theatres, and events.
Since 2020, he has been co-artistic director of the CSS Teatro stabile di innovazione del FVG.
He was artistic director of the Teatro della Tosse in Genoa for the three-year period 2011 - 2013, programming consultant for 2014 and 2015, and curator of the International Festival Prospettiva for the Teatro Stabile di Torino from 2009 to 2015.
For 11 years, in Rome, he has been in charge of the direction of the Massenzio International Festival of Literature and since 2006 he has founded and directed the Short Theatre festival.
Among his many prestigious experiences, it is worth mentioning the one as assistant to Luca Ronconi from 2005 to 2008, and as resident artist of the National Theatre "Teatro di Roma" from 2014 to 2018.
For four years he was the artistic director of the project La Festa di Roma until 2019, an idea of Roma Capitale - Assessorato alla Crescita Culturale for the New Year's Eve with the involvement of the main institutions of the Capital.
Some of his productions have won the most authoritative Italian awards: in 2005 the Ubu Award for the best foreign playwright proposal with Martin Crimp's Tre pezzi facili. In 2010 he won the Critics' Prize with Spara/Trova il tesoro/Ripeti, the Special Ubu Prize for the Prospettiva festival. In 2011 he won the Hystrio Prize for directing. In 2020 he receives the Radicondoli Prize for Masters of Theatre from the National Association of Theatre Critics. In 2022 he wins the special Ubu Award "for the seminal role of an artistic and organisational project that over thirty years has been able to create collective paths and encounters between artists of the contemporary scene, including festivals, reviews, shows and off-format objects. From the birth of Area06 and Short Theatre in Rome, through Prospettiva in Turin, the Teatro della Tosse in Genoa and the more recent experience at the CSS in Udine, Arcuri has shaped places of aggregation inspired by a plural vision. At the same time, the Artefatti company has in turn been a place of fruitful artistic encounters that have also branched out."

Duncan Macmillan is a British author and director. He writes for theatre, radio, television and film.
He has won many prestigious awards in his country: for his re-adaptation of George Orwell's 1984, he won the UK Theatre Award for Best Director. He won Best New Play at the Off West End Awards in 2013, the Pearson Prize in 2008, the Big Ambitious Award at the Old Vic in 2009.
His work has been presented at the Avignon Festival and in various other countries.
The original production of Every Brilliant Thing was presented at the Edinburgh Festival, at the Barrow Street Theatre in New York and then continued its tour in England, Australia and New Zealand.


Press reviews

Intervista a Filippo Nigro - Marco Torcasio, Il senso "illuminante" della vita - clubmilanonet, 5 marzo 2025 [211 Kb]Stefania Saltalamacchia, Filippo Nigro: «Sono sempre stato un introverso, ma nessuno si salva da solo. La famiglia, la salute e gli affetti sono le cose per cui vale la pena vivere» - Vanity Fair, 4 ottobre 2024 [469 Kb]Mario Brandolin, Filippo Nigro al Palamostre 'Un monologo con il pubblico' - Messaggero Veneto, 1 marzo 2024 [509 Kb]Stefano Damiani, Per cosa vale la pena vivere? 'Per aiutarsi a vicenda' - La Vita Cattolica, 28 febbraio 2024 [1248 Kb]Maria Dolores Pesce, Every Brilliant Thing - regia Fabrizio Arcuri - sipario.it, 6 novembre 2023 [188 Kb]Andrea Mombello, 'Ecco le cose per cui vale la pena vivere!' - Il Monferrato, 25 aprile 2023 [1039 Kb]Roberto Stagliano, Every Brilliant Thing. Arcuri e Nigro accendono una luce nell'oscurità della depressione - klpteatro.it, 9 maggio 2023 [227 Kb]Antonio Conte, 'Every brilliant thing': Filippo Nigro al Teatro Nuovo di Napoli - Modulazioni Temporali, 19 aprile 2023 [169 Kb]Nina Ambrosi, “Every brilliant thing”: le cose per cui vale la pena vivere di Fabrizio Arcuri e Filippo Nigro - Le Nottole di Minerva, 7 aprile 2023 [193 Kb]Giulio Baffi, C'è Every Brilliant Thing, Nigro tra padre, madre, amori - La Repubblica Napoli, 13 aprile 2023 [191 Kb]Rodolfo di Giammarco, Filippo Nigro 'Non solo Suburra. Il teatro mi ha indicato la strada' - La Repubblica Roma, 26 marzo 2023 [502 Kb]Monica Straniero, Filippo Nigro in “Every Brilliant Thing - Le cose per cui vale la pena vivere”, TheSpot.news, 26 marzo 2023 [1115 Kb]Elisabeth Sassi, ‘Every Brilliant Thing’, la luce nell’oscurità della depressione - laRegione.ch, 9 marzo 2023 [782 Kb]Pasquale Attolico, “Every Brilliant Thing – Le cose per cui vale la pena vivere”: una imprescindibile collettiva seduta psicanalitica portata magnificamente in scena da Filippo Nigro al Teatro Kismet di Bari - ciranopost.com, 14 novembre 2022 [405 Kb]Elena Bertolucci, Every Brilliant Thing - MusiCulturA online, 19 ottobre 2022 [431 Kb]Nicola Arrigoni, Every Brilliant Thing - regia Fabrizio Arcuri - sipario.it, 8 ottobre 2022 [150 Kb]Annalisa Perini, Filippo Nigro a Trieste 'Vi dico le cose belle del mondo - Il Piccolo 28 agosto 2022 [871 Kb]Mario Bianchi, Narci Città Teatro 22 - Krapp's Last Post, 10 luglio 2022 [290 Kb]Lino Zonin, Nigro sfida l'afa e mette in fila tante buone ragioni per vivere - Il Giornale di Vicenza, 30 giugno [285 Kb]Simone Nebbia, Arcuri e Nigro. Via da Narni con una lista di cose belle - Teatro e Critica, 29 giugno 2022 [1461 Kb]Patrizia Vitrugno, A Narni Città Teatro in scena i “Lingua Fantastici” - Liminateatri, 22 giugno 2022 [258 Kb]Maresa Palmacci, “Narni Città Teatro” e quei linguaggi fantastici che diventano realtà - Banquo Magazine, 23 giugno 2022 [219 Kb]Tommaso Chimenti, Narni Città Teatro: il teatro è ovunque - Recensito, 20 giugno 2022 [246 Kb]Anna Bandettini, In scena con Filippo Nigro: "Salite con me sul palco, vi spiego le cose per cui vale la pena vivere" - La Repubblica, 19 novembre 2021 [1943 Kb]


19-20 November 2021 h 21 
Teatro Contatto 39
Udine, Teatro S. Giorgio
12 March 2022 h 21
S. Giovanni Lupatoto, Teatro Astra
3 May 2022 h 21
Polis Teatro Festival
Ravenna, Teatro Alighieri

national premiere
17 June 2022 
h 20.30
Narni Città Teatro
Narni (TR), Chiostro di Sant’Agostino

28 June 2022
h 21.15
Vicenza, Giardino del Teatro Astra
28 August 2022 h 21
Trieste Estate 2022
free entrance
Trieste, Giardino del Museo Sartorio
1 September 2022 h 21.15
Pistoia, Il Funaro Centro Culturale
1 October 2022 h 20.30
“L’Altra Scena” Festival di teatro contemporaneo
Piacenza, Teatro Filodrammatici
15 October 2022 h 21
Ascoli Piceno, Teatro Ventidio Basso
22 October 2022 h 21
23 October 2022 h 17.30
Cagliari, Sa Manifattura
5 November 2022 h 21
6 November 2022 h 18
Bari, Teatro Kismet
26 November 2022 h 20.45
S. Vito al Tagliamento (PN) Auditorium Comunale Centro Civico
9 December 2022 h 21
10 December 2022 h 19.30
11 December 2022 h 17
Turin, Teatro Astra
11 February 2023 h 20.30
Bolzano, Teatro Comunale, Teatro Studio
18 February 2023 h 21.15
Piove di Sacco (PD), Teatro Filarmonico
8 March 2023 h 20.30
Lugano, Teatro Foce, LAC Lugano Arte Cultura
11 March 2023 h 20.30
Rovereto, Teatro Melotti
24 March 2023 h 21
Forlì, Teatro Il Piccolo
25 March 2023 h 21
Casalecchio di Reno (BO), Teatro Comunale Laura Betti
26 March 2023 h 21
Piossasco (TO), Il Mulino
29 March - 2 April 2023 h 20 (Sunday h 18)
Rome, Teatro India
4 April 2023 h 21
Scandiano (RE), Cinema Teatro Boiardo
6 April 2023 h 21
Pavullo nel Frignano (MO), Cinema Teatro Mac Mazzieri
13-16 April 2023
Neaples, Teatro Nuovo
20 April 2023 h 21
Ovada (AL), Teatro Comunale Dino Crocco
23 April 2023 h 16.30
San Marino, Sala 'Il Ritrovo', Fiorentino
26 April 2023 h 20.45
Verona, Teatro Camploy
27-28 April 2023 h 21
Casale Monferrato (AL), Teatro Municipale
3 May 2023 h21
Saluzzo (CN), Cinema Teatro Magda Olivero
4 May 2023 h 21
Cuneo, Teatro Toselli
16 May 2023 h 21
Venaria Reale (TO), Teatro Concordia
21 May 2023 h 17.30
Moisai 2023. Voci contemporanee in Domus Aurea
Rome, Parco archeologico del Colosseo
6 June 2023
L'Emilia e una notte
Rubiera, La Corte Ospitale, Chiostro
21 July 2023 h 21
Cisterna di Latina (LT), Giardino di Ninfa
27 July 2023
Lamateatro Festival
Monopoli, Parco della Lama Belvedere
31 July 2023 h 21
Dionisio Festival
Chiavari (GE), Piazza Nostra Signora dell'Orto
15 October 2023 h  20.45
Ortona (CH), Cinema Auditorium Zambra
21 October 2023 h 20.45
Cervignano del Friuli (UD), Teatro Pasolini
3-4 November 2023
Genoa, Teatro della Tosse, Sala Agorà
29-30 November, 1-2 December 2023 h 21
Cagliari, Teatro delle Saline
5-6-7 December 2023
Firenze, Teatro di Rifredi, Teatro Nazionale
9 December 2023
Vicchio (FI), Teatro Giotto
17 December 2023
Festival Trend
Rome, Teatro Belli
12 January 2024 h 21
Taranto, Teatro Crest
13 January 2024
Campi Salentina (LE), Teatro Carmelo Bene
20 January 2024 h 21.30
Fucecchio (FI), Teatrino dei Fondi
21 January 2024 
Arcevia (AN), Teatro Misa
27 January 2024 h 20.30
Como, Teatro Sociale
2 February 2024
Palazzolo sull'Oglio (BS), Teatro Sociale
3 February 2024 h 21
Bomporto (MO), Teatro Comunale
4 February 2024, h 17
Coreglia Antelminelli (LU), Teatro Bambi
10-11 February 2024 
Salerno, Teatro Pasolini
17 February 2024 h 20.30
La Spezia, il Dialma! Cantiere Creativo Urbano
1 e 2 March 2024 h 20.30
Teatro Contatto 42
Udine, Teatro Palamostre
Il 1° marzo, al termine dello spettacolo, Filippo Nigro e Fabrizio Arcuri incontrano il pubblico di Teatro Contatto
9 March 2024 h 21
Ciriè (TO), Teatro Magnetti
10 March 2024 h 16
Carignano (TO), Teatro Cantoregi
16 March 2024 h 21
Oleggio (NO), Teatro Civico
22 March 2024 h 21
Vigone (TO), Teatro Selve
23 March 2024 h 21
Moncalvo (AT), Teatro Civico
6 April 2024 h 21
Camposanpiero (PD), Teatro Ferrari
20 April 2024
Santa Fiora (GR), Teatro Andrea Camilleri
4 May 2024 h 21
Pescara, Teatro Massimo
27 May - 1 June 2024
Milan, Piccolo Teatro Studio Melato
17 July 2024 h 20.45
Terni, Teatro Romano di Carsulae
10 October 2024
Trapani, Cine Teatro Ariston
9 November 2024 h 21
Castelfiorentino (FI), Teatro del Popolo
10 November 2024 h 17.30
Livorno, Nuovo Teatro delle Commedie
16 January 2025 h 21
Ceva (CN), Teatro Marenco
17 January 2025 
h 16
Pinerolo (TO), Teatro Incontro
18 January 2025 h 21
Savigliano (CN), Teatro Milanollo
1 February 2025 h 21
Valmadrera (LC), Cineteatro Artesfera
19 February 2025 h 17
Milan, Auditorium Monte Rosa 91
21 February 2025 
Città della Pieve (PG), Teatro degli Avvaloranti
22 February 2025 h 21.15
Spello (PG), Teatro Subasio
8 March 2025 h 20.30
Vignola, Teatro Fabbri
9 March 2025 h 17.30
Milano, Auditorium Monte Rosa 91
4 April 2025 h 19.30
Padua, Piccolo Teatro
5 April 2025 h 19.30
Artegna (UD), Teatro Monsignor Lavaroni