Kafka and the travelling doll
direction Fabrizio Pallara
a play for adults and children over 7 years old
adaptation and dramaturgy Valerio Malorni and Fabrizio Pallara
design and construction of the doll Ilaria Comisso
An afternoon, a park, Berlin. 1923. Franz Kafka, a shy writer who has not yet been touched by fame, meets a girl who is distraught because she has lost her doll.
This unexpected encounter became the starting point for the great writer's last work, an inspiration.
Twenty-one days and many letters to imagine another truth: the doll had not been lost, it had set off on a long journey around the world. This is how Kafka invented "the doll postman".
There is no trace of the girl, nor the letters, but with his novel "Kafka y la muñeca viajera" the Catalan author Jordi Sierra i Fabra has tried to reconstruct what might have happened, filling in the holes of that strange and mysterious affair, and treating readers to a tiny, precious and intense book. It is a story for adults that speaks of nostalgia, anxieties, and life running away. But it is also a story for children that talks of amazement, of eyes open to the world, and rich and tumultuous life flooding in. It is a story of separations and abandonment, of how we learn to live within change, and how much we can receive from encounters, even the most unexpected ones.
With a minimalist set and the use of video projections to animate and describe the places, the fantasies and the extraordinary journey of the doll, a deep dialogue develops between the two protagonists, bringing meaning and order to reality, and turning the drama of loss into an opportunity for growth.
A meeting of humanity, of different conditions, and of times of life, but all part of an experience that belongs to everyone: growing, changing and letting go.
Running time: 60 minutes
Kafka e la bambola viaggiatrice - scheda di distribuzione [375 Kb]Scheda artistica completa Kafka e la bambola viaggiatrice [136 Kb]Scheda didattica Kafka e la bambola viaggiatrice [738 Kb]Press reviews
Giambattista Marchetto, L'altra verità di Kafka sulla bambola scomparsa - Il Gazzettino, 29 ottobre 2021 [450 Kb]Valeria Minciullo, Accenni sul teatro di figura in Italia: "Kafka e la bambola viaggiatrice" - da Incanti 2020 - Sipario.it, 28 ottobre 2020 [198 Kb]Mario Bianchi, Le Apparizioni di Incanti Onlive: da Kafka a Purcell - Krapp's Last Post, 21 ottobre 2020 [1516 Kb]Gianfranco Capitta, La lezione di Kafka, 'postino' delle bambole, il manifesto - 30 novembre 2019 [586 Kb]Kafka e la bambola viaggiatrice - dramma.it, novembre 2019 [1469 Kb]Omar Manini, Kafka e la bambola viaggiatrice - whipart.it, 18 novembre 2019 [538 Kb]Tour
6, 7, 8, 9 November 2019
ContattoTIG 19-20
Udine, Teatro S. Giorgio
10 November 2019, h 17
ContattoTIG in famiglia 19-20
Udine, Teatro S. Giorgio
12 November 2019
ContattoTIG 19-20
S. Giorgio di Nogaro (UD) Auditoium San Zorz
13 November 2019
ContattoTIG 19-20
Cervignano (UD) Teatro Pasolini
23 and 24 November 2019 h 12, 16 e 19
Romaeuropa Festival Kids
Rome, Mattatoio - Teatro 1
24 November 2019 h 14
Romaeuropa Festival Kids
Rome, Mattatoio - Teatro 1
Jordi Sierra i Fabra incontra la compagnia teatrodelleapparizioni
Coordinated by Chiara Cordelli
26 and 28 January 2020
Riccione (RI), Teatro Tondelli
4 February 2020
Padua, Teatro Don Bosco
5 February 2020
Mira, Villa dei Leoni
6 February 2020
Vicenza, Teatro Astra
18 February 2020
Codroipo, Teatro Benois De Cecco
12 October 2020, h 21
Festival Incanti
Torino, Casa del Teatro Ragazzi e Giovani, Sala Grande
24 July 2021 h 11.30
Festival Contemporaneo Futuro
Rome, Teatro India (Sala A)
30 October 2021, h 19
Teatro Contatto 39
Udine, Teatro S. Giorgio
31 October 2021, h 16.30
Mestre, Teatro Momo
3-7 November 2021
Rome, Teatro India
4 January 2022, h 20.30
Kids, Festival del teatro e delle arti
Lecce, Teatro Paisiello
19-22 January 2022
Prato, Teatro Metastasio
23 January 2022, h 16.30
Florence, Teatro Cantiere Florida
27 February 2022, h 18.30
Ruvo di Puglia, Teatro Comunale
19 March 2022, h 16
Rosignano Marittimo, Teatro Nardini
24, 26-27 April 2022
Bologna, Teatro Testoni La Baracca
7 November 2022
Piove di Sacco (PD), Teatro Filarmonico
13 November 2022, h 16.30
San Marino, Teatro Concordia
18 March 2023, h19
Genoa, Teatro Gustavao Modena
5 January 2024, h 20.30
6 January 2024, h 17
Kids Festival
Lecce, Teatro Paisiello
18 February 2024, h 18
Manfredonia, Teatro Comunale Lucio Dalla
12 June 2024, h 21
Poggibonsi (SI), Teatro Politeama
1 September 2024, h 21
Festival Scenario
Bologna, Parco del Cavaticcio
14 October 2024
Festival L’altra scena
Piacenza, Teatro Filodrammatici
9-10 March 2025
Bari, Teatro Kismet
12-13 March 2025
Taranto, Auditorium TaTÀ
23-24 March 2025
Milano, Teatro Munari
25 March 2025
Chiasso, Cinema Teatro
28 March 2025
Jesi, Teatro Pergolesi