
Agrupación Señor Serrano

creation Àlex Serrano, Pau Palacios and Ferran Dordal
Diego Anido, Pablo Rosal, Wang Ping-Hsiang, David Muñiz, Nico Roig
set & lighting design
light design
Nico Roig
additional details
video programming David Muñiz
video creation Vicenç Viaplana
space and scale models Àlex Serrano and Silvia Delagneau
costumes Silvia Delagneau
choreography Diego Anido
GREC 2018 Festival de Barcelona, Teatros del Canal, Teatre Lliure, Manchester Home Theatre, Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles, Groningen Grand Theatre, FOG Triennale Milano Performing Arts, CSS Teatro stabile di innovazione del FVG, Teatro Stabile del Veneto – Teatro Nazionale, Romaeuropa Festival
With the support of
Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya, CCCB Kosmopolis, Sala Beckett, Teatre Auditori de Granollers, Xarxa Transversal, Graner - Mercat de les Flors
Special thanks
Festival TNT – Terrassa Noves Tendències, Arts Escèniques OlotCultura, Monty Kultuurfaktorij (Amberes), La Fabrique de Théâtre – Province de Hainaut

Kingdom is an irreverent cocktail mixing bananas, King Kong, consumerism, virile choreographies, commercials, punk rock, supermarkets, growth, confusion, expansion, multinationals, shortages, coups d’état, bestiality, trap music and very macho men in an endless party.

Agrupación Señor Serrano is one of the most stimulating and original companies of nowadays scene, awarded with the Silver Lion of the Venice Biennale 2015 or the City of Barcelona Prize 2016 among many others. They base their language in the use of technology, both in its most sophisticated and most low-fi versions. They combine video, performance, scale models, dance, objects and live music, elements with which they create microuniverses in each new show. And in the background they always filter a nonconformist message.

Kingdom represents a corrected and augmented version of the trademark language that characterizes the company.

Running time: 65 minutes



4-5 July 2018
, h 20.30
GREC Festival de Barcelona
Barcelona, Teatre Lliure Montjuïc

25-26 September 2018
 h 21
RomaEuropa Festival 2018
Rome, Auditorium Parco della Musica, Sala Petrassi
29 September 2018 h 22
Festival TNT 
Terrassa, Spain, Teatre Alegria
23 October2018 h 20.15
Festival des Libertés
Brussels, Téâtre National de la Fédération W-B, Grande Salle
24 November 2018 h 20.30
Valencia, Spain, Teatre El Musical
30 November 2018 h 21
Olot, Spain, Teatre Principal
12, 13, 14, 15 February 2019 h 20.30
16 February 2019 h 19
17 February 2019 h 18
Barcelona, Teatre Lliure Montjuïc
7, 8, 9, March 2019 h 20
10 March 2019 ore 18.30
Madrid, Teatros del Canal
29-30 March 2019 h 21
Teatro Contatto 2018-2019
Udine, Teatro Palamostre
9-13 April 2019
¡Viva! Festival
Manchester, UK, Home
22-24 May 2019, h 20
FOG Triennale Milano Performing Arts
28-29 May 2019
Perpignan, France, Théâtre de l'Archipel
13-14 June 2019, h 20
Festival delle Colline Torinesi
Turin, Teatro Astra
11, 12, 13 July 2019, h 22
Festival de la Cité
Lausanne, Switzerland
21 November 2019
Sant Cugat del Vallès, Spain
Teatre Auditori - Xarxa Transversal
23 November 2019
Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain
Teatre Principal - Xarxa Transversal
29 November 2019
Granollers, Spain
Teatre Auditori - Xarxa Transversal
5 December 2019
Bilbao, Spain, Teatro Arriaga
17 January 2020
Festival Les Vagamondes
Mulhouse, France, La Filature
30, 31 January, 1 February 2020, h 20.45
2 February 2020, h 16
Padova, Teatro delle Maddalene
18 April 2020, h 20.30
Gijón, Spain, Teatro Jovellanos
7 October 2021, h 20
Belgrade Dance Festival
Belgrade, Opera Madlenianum