Dialoghi Open Lab 2024 - Marta Cuscunà and Marco Rogante


Dialoghi Open Lab is a series of free workshops led by artists of the contemporary theatre and performance scene realised in collaboration between Teatro Contatto, The University of Udine and Dialoghi - Performing Arts Residencies at Villa Manin

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Free workshop open to students of the University of Udine and young people under 35
Limited number of places, registration at residenzevillamanin@cssudine.it

Udine, Teatro S. Giorgio
, Sala Pinter
Monday 6 May h 16.30 – 20.00
Tuesday 7 May h 16.30 – 20.00

NEUROSPASTA MECHANICA is the title of the Dialoghi Open Lab workshop led by visual theatre author and performer Marta Cuscunà and actor and dancer Marco Rogante who, during the two days, will share reflections and strategies around the attempt to experiment with technological innovations in the field of puppet theatre and contemporary dramaturgy for puppets.

The first part of the workshop will be devoted to experimenting some animation techniques starting from a simple object. If puppets and marionette are the first figures that come to mind when one speaks of figure theatre, it is immediately evident, however, that these are very complex objects that require a long period of study to come to life on stage.
Taking a cue from the teachings of Joan Baixas, participants will instead be asked to experiment with the manipulation and animation of a very simple but no less expressive object: the sheet of paper.
The challenge will be to turn the blank sheet of paper into a functional material for the construction of images and characters capable of telling stories and surprising us.

The second part will cover the practical aspects of mechanical creature handling systems. An investigation of animation techniques will be proposed in parallel with the investigation of possible related mechanics. Participants will also be given the opportunity to construct animation mechanisms similar to those used for the mechanical crows in the performance Corvidae. Sguardi di specie.

Participation in the workshop is free of charge.
Registration at the email address residenzevillamanin@cssudine.it
Info: CSS Teatro stabile di innovazione del FVG
tel +390432504765

Dialoghi Open Lab Marta Cuscunà.JPG
Marta Cuscunà An author and performer of visual theatre, her research combines activism with figure dramaturgy. In 2009 she won the Premio Scenario for Ustica with È bello vivere liberi! the first chapter of Resistenze femminili, a trilogy that includes La semplicità ingannata and Sorry, boys. In Il canto della caduta she combines the ancestral imagery of the Fanes myth with the principles of animatronics used to manoeuvre puppets. Earthbound is a science fiction monologue for actress and mechanical creatures, inspired by Donna Haraway's latest essay on eco-feminism. In 2021 she became an associate artist at the Piccolo Teatro and participated in the Rai 3 television programme La Fabbrica del mondo by Marco Paolini and Telmo Pievani, for which she wrote and performed Corvi alla fine del mondo, a mini-series in six episodes dedicated to the themes of eco-feminism. In 2023, the series left the screen with new episodes and became a play entitled Corvidae. Sguardi di specie co-produced by MUSE - Museo delle Scienze di Trento. From 2009 to 2019 she was part of Fies Factory, a project of Centrale Fies.

Marco Rogante trained as an actor and dancer with masters of the contemporary scene such as Roberto Cocconi, Michele Abbondanza and Antonella Bertoni, Michela Lucenti, Giuseppe Battiston, Eugenio Allegri, Nikolai Karpov, Christian Burgess and Dani McGrath of the Guildhall School in London. He has worked as a dancer in the shows Dentro (Arearea), Ketchuptroiane and Salomon (Balletto Civile), Massa piccola per 5 figure con campanelli and Fidelio (Abbondanza/Bertoni), Que reste-t-il de nos amours? (Naturalis Labor), Dei nostri eroi più fragili (Monza7Amoretti), Corpi in party and Corto con violoncello (GDIT), Alma_ata by Tommaso Monza; and as an actor in Indemoniate! and L'ùali di Diu (directed by Massimo Somaglino), Elements from an Autobiography (Laminarie) and in the cinema film Alza la testa by Alessandro Angelini with Sergio Castellitto. Since 2009, he has worked with Marta Cuscunà as assistant director, dramaturg and technical director.
